Would you leave someone if you found out they had cheated on their previous partner?
I wouldn't consider someone my partner until I knew whether or not that had cheated on someone previously. And if they said they had, whatever, people make mistakes. And if they said they hadn't and I found out they have, then I probably would leave, because I don't want to be with someone who lies to me.
Would you ever donate sperm/eggs?
I have no interest in it right now, and I don't know much about it to answer.
Is marriage important to you?
No. Well at least not yet. I feel like I'm too young to think about that. And if I decide to be with someone who doesn't want to get married, I could care less, I just want to be happy. Although marriage would be nice one day.
What would you do in a situation where your boyfriend/girlfriend’s best-friend (or closest friend assuming you aren’t bff) and yourself didn’t get along?
Well my boyfriend and one of my best friends don't really get along. It really really sucks, but there's not much I can do about it. And I think I get along with my boyfriends friends. I usually don't have a problem getting along with people.
If people from your past relationships were to describe you in 3 words, what would they be?
I honestly have no idea how my ex would describe me. The last things I heard him say to me weren't bad, but the things people say he says about me aren't good. If that makes sense.
Have you ever cheated on someone and if so did you get caught?
Do you think peoples parents’ relationships reflect how theirs turn out?
I hope not.
Would you consider yourself to be a promiscuous person?
Nope, not at all.
Why did your last relationship end?
He broke up with me because I didn't trust him. Then he wanted to make things work but I just wanted to be friends.
Do you think it’s possible to be friends with an ex?
It never works for me. I wish it had.
Have you ever been with someone of the same sex?
Just mackin'.
What stereotype about women/men in relationships bothers you most?
Woman- that we're clingly and jealous. Guys- that they all cheat.
Would you ever get your significant others name tattooed on you?
What was your longest relationship?
A year and 5 months?
When was the last time you overheard other people having sex?
When I lived in res.
If your significant other decided to make you a gift instead of buying one, would you be upset?
No. I'm not a materialistic bitch.
Last movie that made you cry?
No idea.
Would you date someone your parents or family didn’t approve of?
Well I guess it would depend on why they didn't approve. Because it would take a lot to make me parents not like someone I am dating.
What was the biggest lie you ever told in a relationship?
I don't tell big lies.
Do you believe in soulmates?
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