I could really care less what people, who are not my friends, think of me, but I'm really confused as to why people keep asking me if I'm pissed at some girl for stealing my ex-boyfriend. First off, clearly we have both moved on, so I'm not pissed at anyone, I have no feelings of hatred, or any feelings at all for that matter, towards either of them. It was so long ago. But the thing that bugs me is why people think she 'stole' him from me. Funny story, he broke up with me, tried to get me back, I wouldn't take him back and found someone better for me, and then so did he. Now that I have cleared things up people need to stop asking me if I hate someone for taking something from me that wasn't mine and I didn't want. It makes no sense.
On another note today I was sick and I had to call into work. I have been laying in my bed all day and haven't moved. Yay for me.
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